Welcome to the Online Registration Site for The Households of Strength Seminar.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
— The Apostle Paul, Eph. 5:15-17
Gregg Harris’ vision of family life is unmatched in its clarity, passion & practicality.
— Nancy Pearcey
, Author of "Total Truth“
“Gregg’s new Households of Strength Seminar is a great investment in your home and family life. I highly recommend it.”
— Tim Hanson, Director, Christian Renewal Centerrce

What is a
Household of Strength
and why should you want your home to be one?

A Household of Strength is can be any home where the goodness & wisdom of God is lived out as an Embassy of the Kingdom of God, where at least one member is living as an Ambassador for Christ. Becoming a Household of Strength is a very practical way to make Jesus Christ Lord in every area of life. And the results are good for everyone.

Be wise. Understand what the will of the Lord is. Make the most of your time. Husbands, love your wives. Wives, respect your husbands. Children, obey your parents. Fathers, train your children. Householders, mind your own business. Employees, serve your employers faithfully. Employers, be kind and generous to your employees. Everyone, practice hospitality. And while you are at it, make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.
— The Apostle Paul

With just a few basic lifestyle decisions, made quietly and humbly on the basis of your faith in the competence of Jesus as your King, your household becomes more of a display of God’s goodness and wisdom in your unique circumstances. What are these basic decisions?

Paul lists them out in his letters to the early churches. It begins with making the most of your time and understanding what the will of the Lord is in all the relationships that hit closest to home. It’s respecting your own husband, loving your own wife, training up your own children as parents, obeying your own parents as a child, and making your own livelihood either as an employee or an employer. In addition, it’s opening your own home to guests, building up your own local church in love, and being a blessing to your own community, and especially to your fellow believers. — these are what God calls the “old paths where the good way is” in Jeremiah 6:16. These works of faith are where you will “find rest for your soul.”

Christians can easily swerve into legalism on the one hand or lawlessness on the other. But in between these two ditches of error lies the road of liberty under the Lordship of Christ. When any believer trusts God enough to actually obey Him in these basic areas of life, Christ’s goodness and wisdom as Lord begins to overwhelm your own foolishness & sin, and it will do so to such a degree that Christ’s Way of living comes into view for those around you. Many Christians miss out on the abundant life that Christ offers them in the gospel. It’s a life of adventure, not of seeking wealth, a life of living passionately for what you believe is important, not a life free from difficulty.

In this seminar I will teach you how to live that abundant life as an Ambassador for Christ, making your home an embassy of the kingdom of God where others will be able to hear the good news concerning Jesus and the kingdom of God while getting to “taste and see that the Lord is good.”

A Note to Local Church Pastors:

Dear Pastor,

Having served as a senior pastor and teaching elder for over 14 years, (from 1998 to 2012), I know how difficult it can be to fulfill your calling. But I can help make your pastoral work a lot easier. If you will bring the members of your congregation with you to this seminar, it will do you and them a great deal of good.

Some who have not yet been converted to faith in Christ will be saved. Many others who have been converted will be revived. All of them will come back to church with you, more excited than ever to actually live for Jesus, both as individuals and as family teams. in a Household of Strength.

Imagine what it would be like to have a greater number of strong families in your church. I mean families that begin to manage their own homes as Households of Strength — embassies of the kingdom of God.

Their households will become a place of study & instruction for all of their members and all their guests. That may even involve taking their children out of the insanity of the public schools and either teaching them at home or in Christian schools and co-ops.

It will also make their home a center of wiser economic decisions with a higher level of productivity. This includes more faithful financial stewardship and more of the kind of cheerful generous giving that God loves.

Each home will become a powerhouse of embassy-quality hospitality and family-style evangelism. New souls will be saved and new members will be brought into your church.

In addition, each home will become an incubator of biblically qualified church leadership, men and women you can trust in and build on because they are mature and stable believers.

And finally, each home will become a launching pad for achieving effective cultural and political influence in the battle to restore sanity in our state and national culture.

If a good number of your church members attend the seminar and come to understand that they really are Ambassadors for Christ, it is a small step for them to then see that their households really can serve as Embassies of the Kingdom of God. And that will make your work as a pastor so much easier and more fruitful.

The ministry of your church will become much more of a way of life and far less of a program. And for what it’s worth, I guarantee it.

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the content and the quality of the presentation of this seminar your entire registration fee will be refunded in full, on-site, with no questions asked.

With over 256,000 alumni families from my seminars over the years, I am confident you will be glad you came, and even more glad you brought along your church family.

Your servant in Christ,

Gregg Harris
Questions? You may call or text me at 503-926-1388.

P.S. I always like to know who has most influenced a Bible Teacher in developing his theology and forming his Christian worldview. If you were to ask me I would list Francias Schaffer, Chuck Colsen, John Piper, John MacArthur, Doug Wilson, Rod Dreher, A.W. Tozer, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Elizabeth Elliot, Voddie Baucham, R.C. Sproul, Albert Mohler, Jack W. Hayford, Wayne Grudem, J.I. Packer, Bruce Ware, and Timothy J. Keller. I am certainly not saying these authors would all agree with me on any issue, nor do I agree with them on everything they have taught. But you can see from my list where my doctrinal DNA has been derived from.

What Others Are Saying About Various Seminars Presented by Gregg Harris

“These practical aids can help each of us make the most of every opportunity.” —    Dr. Ted W Engstrom, World Vision concerning The Noble Planner Approach to Making the Most of Your Time

“You can’t spend much time with the Harris children... without concluding that their parents have done something remarkable, and have earned the right to be heard.” — Randy Alcorn, 
Author of Heaven & If God is Good

"Life-changing application! I highly recommend it.”—    Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, Founder, Walk Through the Bible Ministries concerning The Noble Planner Approach to Making the Most of Your Time

“The best I've seen.” — Jan Baller, Human Resource Director, Focus on the Family concerning The Noble Planner Approach to Making the Most of Your Time

“A major step forward…. particularly helpful in integrating our lives into proper balance.”    —    Ron Huber, Founder, Time Systems Inc. concerning The Noble Planner Approach to Making the Most of Your Time

“I loved this workshop. You laid out the whole process in a way that really made sense. I can’t wait to put it into practice.”   — Thomas, 15 years old. concerning The Households of Strength Seminar

“Gregg Harris will stir your thinking beyond the status quo and send you home excited.”— John and Laura Wojnicki, Co-Directors of Christian Family Schools, San Diego, CA concerning The Households of Strength Seminar

“Anyone raising teenagers would benefit from spending some time with Gregg. It will be one of the most beneficial investments you could ever make in your family.”— Mike Smith, President, HSLDA concerning Raising Kids to Do Hard Things

I thought I would be bored, but Mr. Harris is a good speaker, and what he said made a lot of sense. I’m glad I came.”— a Teenager, Kalamazoo, MI, concerning The Noble Planner Approach to Making the Most of Your Time

“With this workshop, I did not leave with a handful of nuggets, I left with an entire gold mine. Great insights.”— Kevin D. Grimes, Grimes & Reese: A Professional Company of Attorneys and Counselors, Idaho Falls, ID concerning The Households of Strength Seminar

Any one session by itself would have been worth the cost. But when 14 of our students and parents responded to the gospel, what is that worth? Thank you so much!”— Pamela Helgerson, Fortis Academy, Austin, TX concerning Raising Kids to Do Hard Things

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.
— 2 Cor. 5:20

Our two Friday evening sessions are open to the public, free of charge.

Be sure to bring all your friends and family members to enjoy this life-changing encounter with God. Though the sessions are subject to change, the current lineup includes:

These Friday Night Sessions will include:

1. Households of Strength: An Introduction to a Better Way of Life

Come learn how to build the “New Ark” of a Household of Strength, before the storm clouds of our day begin to break over your head.

2. A Tale of Two Trees: You Must Be Born Again

The gospel that the apostles proclaimed was the gospel concerning Jesus Christ AND the kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? Has it come already? Or is it still yet to come? The answer is “Yes” to both questions. The kingdom of God is both now and not yet. It can only be entered by the Way of the gospel, and that changes everything! But once we are in God’s kingdom, we have God’s provision to live as part of the display of His goodness and wisdom in our circumstances. That is God’s glory. We also have the opportunity to invest ourselves and all that we have in promoting His kingdom to others as the only way to escape the judgment that is coming. This session will open your eyes to what is really going on in the world today and what you can actually do about it.

Gregg Harris teaching an audience of 2000+ teens and their parents in a Do Hard Things Conference.

Saturday Sessions are Open BY Registration Only

On Saturday morning and afternoon we will equip you and your household members ages 13 and up, on six important topics related to living as a Household of Strength.

These Saturday Sessions will include:

3. What Do You Have In Your House?

Home has become a place to go when nothing else is open. But by “asking for the old paths where the good way is” we can restore our homes to the amazingly productive places God designed them to be. You can make your household the only place you’ll need to protect yourself and your family members from the waves of progressive insanity and social persecution that are coming.

4. The Marriage at the Heart of (Most) Households

Who should get married and who should not? What are the hazards to be avoided? How can you meet your match, and how best can you get to know them before you marry them? What are the three purposes of marriage? How does God resolve the problem of normal sexual passion? What does it mean to be complementarian? What is biblical submission and what does it mean to be the head of your household? Finally, what is the balance between mission and maintenance in a marriage and a household? This session is geared both toward launching strong new marriages as well as saving struggling marriages.

5. Child Training & Home-Schooling: Making Your Home a Place of Study & Instruction

All that you need to learn in order to be truly useful to God and others, or teach to your children, can best be done by applying the principle of delight-directed study. Add to that the power of companionship with a few fellow enthusiasts in your shared delight and you get a history-making combination that is a better education for yourself and your family members at a fraction of the normal cost in time and money. You will never look at education the same way again.

6. How to Do Well For Yourself by Doing Good for Others n a Household Business

Why would God tell His people, several times, in the New Testament to “mind your own business by working with your hands?” What does God know that we don’t about how to best provide for your own household, “earn the respect of outsiders” and avoid being “dependent” on an increasingly antagonistic workplace? The answers will surprise and inspire you to trust God more than ever.

7. Hospitality: How to Manage Your Household as an Embassy of the Kingdom of God

Hospitality is commanded in the Bible. Even the poor widow is required by God to give herself to practicing hospitality, so it can’t be that dangerous to “show kindness to strangers.” The truth is, hospitality is the royal path to a greater and fuller life, one that offers not only quiet tea times with friends, but also includes your guests in helping out with the household chores, rigorous study groups, international friendships, better quality meals, and even a B&B side income if desired. This is how the ambassadors of God’s kingdom get their best work done while enjoying more of God’s goodness and wisdom in the process.

8. How to Be Salt & Light In a Secular Soceity

The world needs to see what God is like by observing the goodness and wisdom of His “Old Path” way of doing the ordinary things of life. When you live as you should, you will gain influence with others simply by the power of a good example. That can be a springboard into serving your community as a City Father (or City Mother). You may be appointed to the boards of organizations or elected to government offices where your open devotion to God and your life experience allow you to become a trusted leader in your city or political party. There is a place for you to serve.

9. How to Make the Most of Your Time

In this final session, we will look at how to make the most of your time by developing greater personal integrity. When your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength come into alignment with your Purpose, Goals, Plans and Actions you fill discover a whole new level of power behind everything you do.

Gregg & Bonnie Harris

About Your Instructor:

Gregg Harris is the best-selling author of The Christian Home School, The Noble Planner Approach to Managing Yourself in the Use of Your Time & Attention, and The Hospitality Handbook & Directory. He is the father of 7 children, among whom are Alex & Brett Harris, co-authors of Do Hard Things: a Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations and Joel Harris, Pastor of Worship at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City, South Dakota. Gregg has most recently become the Innkeeper at The Noble Inn, a Christian Bed & Breakfast Planning Retreat Center, in Silverton, Oregon and the shopkeeper of Silver Falls Terrariums, a retail terrarium business, located right next door to The Noble Inn.

Gregg is well-known around the world as a homeschooling workshop and seminar instructor with over 256,000 alumni families of his various instructional events. He is also a popular keynote speaker for conventions and conferences. He was the President of Christian Life Workshops, Founding Publisher of Noble Publishing Associates, the primary Church-Planting Evangelist & Teaching Elder of the Household of Faith Fellowship of Churches, and now serves as Director of Noble Institute. Gregg brings nearly 50 years of life experience to bear on each seminar and workshop he presents. He now resides at The Noble Inn with his dear wife Bonnie, in Silverton, Oregon.

Why Should You Attend This Seminar Now?

The biblical truths presented in The Households of Strength seminar have already helped thousands come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and helped hundreds of thousands of believers across the US and around the world to clarify their vision and focus their purpose for living faithfully in this world. It can do the same for you and your family. In fact, we are so confident that it will help you that we guarantee it with our Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction.*

*Our Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction:

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the content and the quality of the presentation of this seminar your entire registration fee will be refunded in full, on-site, with no questions asked.

I have used my love for terrariums since 1969 to launch 3 different terrarium shops over the course of 50 years. These shops have served as a laboratory of small retail business management and marketing strategies. I will share some of what I have learned in the seminar.

A Letter from Gregg Harris

Dear Friend & Fellow Householder,

What would it be like to actually say “Yes” to Jesus, drop your nets so to speak, and break away from all the foolishness of the modern world to walk instead in the “old paths where the good way is?” What would it be like to live the “quiet life” God commands us to live through Paul? This is the way that makes time for what is truly important. But is it even possible?

The biblically Christian way of life is one of managing your own household well. That is what I am calling a Household of Strength, a Christian Embassy. It’s done first by establishing it on the basis of a strong Christian marriage vow —that is if you choose to be married. And then, it is loving and cherishing your own wife as yourself, or respecting and supporting your own husband in whatever mission God has assigned to him. (No husband should ever waste his wife’s life by failing to have a worthy mission for her to help support him in.)

The Noble Inn (pictured above) is my home, here with my lovely new wife, Bonnie. It is also the Office of Noble Institute for Leadership Development under which I present my work. We open this place as a full-service Christian Bed & Breakfast Retreat Center for my various clients and students. If you have a wonderful plan to serve our Lord, invite you to come and make history here at our place. Visit The Noble Inn online at www.TheNobleInn.org for more info. Right next door to the inn is our retail terrarium shop. It is our ‘front door” to our community. You can visit that online as well at www.SilverFallsTerrariums.com. This is where we get to practice what I preach, and it is all working very, very well.

Then it is training up and teaching your own children how to live long and well in this world, it’s earning your own livelihood as a family team, with constantly growing wisdom and valuable skills. Preferably that would be by minding your own business which can provide a better income and greater liberty to serve the Lord. Beyond all that, there is your participation in your local church and in the voluntary associations and civic organizations that serve and govern your community. Ultimately, you would be seeking the prosperity of your city, because as God says, “as it prospers, you too will prosper.” (See Jeremiah 29).

All of these visions of the quiet life are the good and wise aspects of God’s general will for the Christian life. They come into being as small acts of the obedience of faith, through the power of God the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of Christ in the Kingdom of God. But in addition to all that, being a Household of Strength involves practicing embassy-quality hospitality, loving your neighbors as yourself, and participating as a member of your local church and all the while quietly reaching out with the gospel to reach the lost in your own community.

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Well, that is what I pray for you and your family. That is what I teach and preach in this seminar and practice in my own life, here in my own embassy. I pray you will attend this live, in-person seminar whenever and wherever it is available near you. And I look forward to seeing you there!

In Christ’s service,

Gregg Harris,
Silverton, Oregon, 2022

There is a good reason why our Friday evening sessions are open to all, free of charge. (So bring everyone you can.)

Yes, this does allow everyone to sample the seminar’s quality before paying any registration fees. But it also allows everyone to bring along friends and family members (age 13+) to hear a clear and compelling presentation of the gospel concerning Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. So, you do your part. Invite others to come with you, at least for Friday night. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by receiving this intensive, fast-paced, soul-inspiring training. Consider the following words to the wise from the Book of Proverbs about the wisdom in investing in wisdom. Then book your registration today.

How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.
— Proverbs 16:16
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
— Proverbs 4:7
Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold; for wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
— Proverbs 8:10-11

Together, all this is telling us to invest our money — our gold, our silver & our precious stones in acquiring wisdom & understanding. Why? Because with wisdom & understanding we will be able to earn back all that we have spent and more by making wiser decisions in the future.